Body Wisdom for Transformation
Body Wisdom for Transformation begins July 7, 2022, at 6:00pm CST.
Our bodies are such a wonderful gift and helper in our awakening and healing journey. The body always lives in the present moment and serves as an anchor for our return home with each breath and each heartbeat.
Our bodies tell us the truth when our minds would create a story. Our bodies hold information and signal us when opportunities for healing come. Our bodies also experience trauma that lives, sometimes for years in the body, stripping us of full access to our deepest selves. Societally we embody collective trauma for generations, creating oppression and a reduced capacity for beloved community. How might we open a space for healing and growth?
Join my four week course to learn how to use the body to aid in the transformative journey to full aliveness.
Like most people, my spiritual journey has been full of ups and downs. There have been times of bliss, joy and direct connection and moments where the Divine seems a million miles away. The farther I have traveled into the depths of my being and into the wide multiplicity of the Universe, the more I see that all experience is here to bring us into a greater sense of new life and living. The journey has often brought invitations too amazing to be explained sometimes wrapped in more challenge and pain than I knew I could deal with. This has given me a different perspective on the roll of difficulty in my life. All pain is an invitation. All judgement is a flag telling me that there is a hurt inside me that is being projected. These things don't feel good, but they are gifts. Sometimes when I am at my most centered, I can greet these experiences with laughter and love. When I companion others, I see them as the gateway to more life and more love.
I have spent my entire career as a spiritual guide using the body to learn and grow. Instead of trying to avoid discomfort, I have learned how to sit still and meditate inside the experience of the body as it gives me information and access to powerful transformation that a new perspective can bring. As I practice more and more I can experience the mechanics of using the body to shift from being captured by an experience to observing the experience, becoming presence for myself in order to return to compassion and love that is most needed to navigate pain, discomfort and even tremendous joy.
Join me for four weeks of learning and coaching so you can experience more deeply the wisdom of your body.
Class begins Thursday July 7, 6:00-7:30pm Central Standard Time and runs weekly through July 28th, 2022 (recordings available for access and review following each class).
Who will benefit:
- Spiritual Directors and companions who want to deepen embodied awareness and add to their client work
- People who have attentiveness to their own emotional life
- Seekers who want to re-embody their lived experience
- Those who want to transform the negative into opportunity and learning
What will you receive?
- Four live classes centering around embodiment and transformation
- The opportunity for live coaching as you apply new learning
- A deeper understanding of the transformation cycle
- An invitation into new life, growth and healing
- Recordings of live events to review or experience as much as you want.
If I can be of service to your opening to new life, please join me. The cost of this course is $222.00
Class Preview
Fall, Disintegration and Letting Go
In this class we will look at the fall or disintegration aspect of transformation. What is it like to let go in the body? What stops release?
Winter and Resting into Possibility
In this class we will focus on the winter season of transformation when we enter into the deep unknown of possibility. How do we manage fear of this season of dormancy/creation.
Spring Awakening and Exploration
In this class we will explore the awakening of new life and practice opening in the body. What stops us from fully embodying what is new?
Summer and Savor
In this class we will end our course with exploring the summer season of savor, pleasure and thriving. What feels good? What stops us from feeling better and better?