Sarah Cledwyn

Spiritual Guide & Healer

  • Expand your conscious awareness on this lifelong journey of awakening.

  • Deepen and embellish your lived experience to receive guidance and love.

  • Come Home to yourself as the entire Universe powered by Life upwelling.

  • My role as a guide and a healer is to be deeply connected to the Life at the heart of everything and attentive to the present moment.  This allows me to be a conduit of Divine love creating the conditions for you to come deeply home to your Source, to self heal those places that need more love, and to support you in living the fullness of your awakening.  As we sit with one another, tending to the movements of every day life, we discover the golden treasure hiding in all life experience. The beginning of all awakening is awareness. From the space of awareness we heal, grow, flourish and expand.  Individual work with a guide is a path leading at the same time inward towards our Source, and outwards towards easeful and inspired living ever more fully realized as the Divine beings we are.




    Sarah’s specialty is using the tools that she has to help you listen to your own inner compass. 


    Jennifer Cisar


    "Sarah is like a sherpa for my mind and spirit."




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